Career & Business Coaching
I help clients move past feeling stuck and desperate about work and making money in this capitalist hellscape by separating WHO they are from WHAT they do to make a living. Anyone seeking a new job or direction or purpose should get in touch! I can help you figure out what you are aligned with doing, get you into school, help find a job, start a small business, or obtain assistance like SSDI or other types of benefits.
Often, I do a lot of academic coaching. I work with people who want to get into graduate school, survive graduate school, quit graduate school, and get a job in academia or beyond. For example, I work with graduate students to make sense of their data, finish their dissertation, and turn it into a book. I support clients with job market packages, interview prep, and recovering from grad school trauma. My approach also works for folks in social work, law medicine, and some corporate environments, especially if you want to make a pivot and work for yourself.

When I help people launch small businesses, I apply a 3-pronged approach. Because your business isn’t going to work out long term if you are in autistic (or other) burnout, burnout recovery and chronic illness support is always the first step. Once your well-being is established and you have sufficient capacity, I help you launch and scale your business. Finally, in my capacity as a sociologist and an educator with expertise in anti-oppression work, I train you to serve marginalized clients and communities.
You can also use professional development or fellowship funds to pay me for coaching services. I will issue a w-9 for your job or provide receipts you require. Use your institution and their money. Your org can then issue me a 1099 form for my taxes and it’s a win-win!